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Hand-crafted integrative therapies.
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About access in Australia
Medicinal cannabis in Australia is regulated to give patients safe access to treatments for a growing number of conditions. We work closely with doctors to guide them through the prescription process, pharmacists as a distribution partner and assist with patient education.
Our Mission

Hand-crafted therapies.

Alfie focuses on rare genetic profiles and delivering small-batch products, which are grown under craft conditions.

Our manufacturing systems and quality control steps exist from planting to hand-processing to help promote the preservation of trichome chemistry.

We believe Australian patients should have the ability to access to integrative therapies from around the world.
Integrative therapies in Australia are regulated to provide safe access for approved patients under specific circumstances.
Common questions

Your most frequently asked questions answered.

Who prescribes Alfie in Australia?
Many practitioners prescribe Alfie medicines to qualified patients.  Please reach out to your healthcare practitioner to assess your eligibility for treatment.  Patients can refer their healthcare practitioner to us for further details.
How are Alfie products produced?
Our manufacturing systems and quality control steps exist from planting to hand-processing to help promote the preservation of trichome chemistry.  

We adhere to all government regulations to ensure safety and quality of medicine.
Which helpful resources or product information can you provide?
For verified practitioners and pharmacies, we provide detailed brochures, consumer medical information sheets, and in service training for your team.
Which pharmacies or distributors stock Alfie?
We have several distributors, please feel free to reach out to determine the best option for your patient or practice.
Can I speak to you on the phone?
Yes! We're proud to offer exceptional and personal customer service to medical practitioners, pharmacists and verified patients. Reach out to us via our contact form to request and schedule a call.

Contact us

Whether you are a patient, medical practitioner or pharmacist, our customer service team is here to guide you.
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